Why Us?

Who are we? We’re just like you. After a long day at work, upon returning home, there is even more work: THE CLEANING. Not to mention the grocery shopping to do; the laundry basket spilling over the top, the kids needing help with homework, and don’t forget…..dinner for the family. We know because we’ve been there. It can be really overwhelming that you just want to drop everything and take a vacation right there and then, just to get away from it all. Who really wants to spend the week nights, weekends or days off cleaning and doing chores?

Cleancation was created because of that need, because we’ve been there and know exactly how you are feeling.

Founded by a single mom of two precious and active boys, we’re a small and growing family-run business that makes it our mission to give you that well-needed break from your cleaning duties while giving you that vacation feeling right where you are with superior cleaning and efficiency.

By using our services at Cleancation, your in-week vacation is just a cleaning away. Our professional cleaners take pride in providing quality work to, you, our clients and we’re are here to help you maintain the quality lifestyle that you’ve earned. We even take on the jobs that no one wants to do. Your satisfaction is our guarantee as we’re not just another cleaning company. We’re a movement and a part of a family just like you. With Cleancation, you can now afford the time to do the things that you love the most – creating unforgettable moments with the kids, catching up with friends, fully unwinding during a yoga session, or even chilling by the fire with your dog Max.

Join the Cleancation family by being a client of best cleaning company and take back control of your life. You won’t regret it!

Book Your Cleaning Service Today!

Your home, your way. Choose from our maintenance or premium cleaning services, tailored to fit your specific needs and schedule. We'll handle the cleaning, so you can focus on the things that truly matter.